Let's meet your new travel guide !
This blog is light-heartedly owned and operated by four keen discoverers.
First, there is Victoria, a 22-year-old beach and sun addict normal for Victoria who lives in Toulon, a city of the sun.
Then, let’s meet Nina, this dazzling 22-year-old Nimoise, inspired by arts and spirituality. Nina is curious and passionate; moreover, she loves nature. Here comes the very soul of a perfect adventurer.
Cécile is a bit of a dreamer and loves to picture herself discovering East Asia, especially Japan and South Korea - besides, she has promised herself to visit these countries one day.
And last but not least, please meet Laurane, a 24-year-old woman fascinated by photography who loves to shoot the beauty of the moment. Thanks to her university education in interculturality and foreign civilizations, Laurane enjoys discovering new cultures and customs. She has recently moved to Clermont-Ferrand and will therefore soon have many hikes to share!